Why create Paws4Rest?
We found that when we were planning to go away (for business or pleasure) trying to identify those places to stay that allowed dogs wasn’t especially straightforward. Sure, one or two hotels or inns popped up in search results, but plenty of others that were eminently suitable and happy to accommodate the four-legged editor didn’t. As such, we thought it would be a good idea to agglomerate a number of accommodation options in various areas of the south west (a region we know well) for the use of others. That’s about it, really.
Who is ‘The Editor’
The Editor was ‘Dan’. He is sadly no longer with us having died of cancer since this site was first created. We miss him every single day, and it is not too far-fetched to say that he was the closest thing to an angel that we have ever known. He adored children, biscuits and harmlessly mooching around. Indeed, people where we live still talk about him with great affection. As such, we felt that it would be fitting to leave his sage words of advice on the site.

The good news is that a new editor-in-training is to be found at the Paws4Rest offices (i.e. the corner of the room). Her name is Millie (a gorgeous Battersea babe) and being as mad as a box of frogs she fits in beautifully. She too adores children and is another Lurcher, this time of the Whippet crossed with American Bulldog variety. She is therefore a ‘Whoppet’ and looks as if she has been weightlifting on steroids. We are, as such, not a prime target for burglars.
Why link to Booking.com and others?
There are several good reasons, actually. First is that they provide feedback from former guests (an increasingly important factor for those seeking accommodation). Second, they are trustworthy and respected reservation services and using them means that you are still in communication with the hotel or bed and breakfast. And, last but not least, if we are the final referring site which results in a completed booking, we receive a small commission which means the editor gets a biscuit. And we get to pay the hosting fees.
Of course, you can still go and book with the hotel directly if you prefer. No problem. It’s just that we don’t charge a fee for any of the listed hotels, B&B’s or inns to be included on the site.
When using them it is absolutely crucial to let the hotel or inn know of your intention to bring your dog in advance. To do this, please provide relevant details in the “additional information / requests” box. It is also a good idea to take the opportunity to ask them to email you with their detailed policy on dogs.
Finally, we really need to stress that Paws4Rest plays no part whatsoever in the actual reservation or booking process. None. So please don’t ask us about availability, tariffs, very detailed hotel pet policies or suchlike as we’re unlikely to have the foggiest idea.
How do I contact Paws4Rest?
You can email us if you like via snuffles@paws4rest.co.uk. We prefer not to include telephone numbers and a physical address on account that the site is run from an untidy corner of a home where two small children also live (in the house itself rather than just in the corner, as that would require the NSPCC).
I’d like my hotel, inn or bed and breakfast listed
Just get in touch at the above email address. However, we very much prefer it if the accommodation is listed on the aforementioned reservation service websites (or similar) where potential visitors can read reviews from past guests. And book online.
Not being difficult, but please don’t say, ‘can you just link to our website’ which means we spend time writing up an entry and doing all the work for diddley-squat. That’s just taking the mick. This site doesn’t generate much revenue (basically, peanuts), and we have plenty of other things to be getting on with rather than taking the time to give businesses gratis publicity.
Can we link to the site?
Yes, of course. Feel free. The more people who know about it the more biscuits the editor might get. Please note, however, that we do not participate in link exchanges. So if you’re the chap who keeps emailing asking for a mention regarding timeshare rentals in Chad or wherever, stop it. It’s getting on my wick.